Governing Body

The entire staff of Hunters Hall Primary School is central to the success of everything that happens on a daily basis. They are a very enthusiastic and emphatic group of people who all care for the well-being, education and future of all of our children. Each person performs a role that is essential to the smooth running of our school community; a vital piece of the jigsaw that creates the diverse but warm and inclusive atmosphere of our school.

The leadership and management of Hunters Hall Primary School has many strands. Michael Kaitell, headteacher, leads a team of five other experienced senior leaders who all have a series of responsibilities such as Teaching and Learning, Safeguarding, Inclusion, Assessment & School Business Management. The next layer of management comprises of middle leaders who lead year groups and specific subject areas. The administration team deal with the myriad of finance, admissions and data, along with the day to day interaction with parents and children with admin & school related queries.

Over-seeing all of this is the Governing Body, who after reconstitution in 2019, comprises of thirteen members. The Governing Body has the important task of supporting and holding the school to account. They have a formal meeting at least once each half-term and show an active interest in all areas of school.

Please see Governing Body list

Chair of Governing Body:
Mr J Allen
Vice Chair of Governing Body:
Mrs C Coombe
Co-opted Governors:
Mrs L Boyce
Mr M Karagozlou
Mrs S Lowman

Mrs N Newton
Parent/Carer Governors:
Ms S Gosby
Mr P Joseph
LA Governor:
Mr D Lan-George
Headteacher Governor:
Mr M Kaitell
Staff Governor:
Miss V Ede
Name Governing Body Role/s School Link Role Committee
John Allen Chair English Resources/Pay/Appraisal Standards
Clare Combe Vice Chair Humanities Resources/Pay/Appraisal
Natalie Newton Safeguarding Child Protection Looked After Children Arts Standards
Samantha Lowman CSE Safeguarding/Prevent Arts Standards
Lee Boyce SEND Inclusion Standards
Don Lan-George HR Humanities Resources/Pay/Appraisal
Mustafa Karagozlou Finance Maths Resources
Sam Gosby Race and Social justice/ Anti-bullying/ PSHEE Resources
Pierre Joseph
Safeguarding, Healthy, Safety and Wellbeing
Science Standards
Vicky Ede Staff representative Curriculum Standards
Contact Us
Hunters Hall Primary School
Alibon Road
RM10 8DE,
t: 020 8270 4768