Schools play a key role in supporting the health and well-being of children and young people. Recent education and health white papers recognise how schools can help children to become happier, healthier, and more ready to learn and achieve their full potential.
Healthy Schools enables and supports schools to plan and implement health and well-being improvements for their children and young people.
A healthy school promotes physical and emotional health by providing accessible and relevant information and equips pupils and staff with the understanding, skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health. Pupils flourish in a positive environment and are given a voice to influence whole-school decisions. A healthy school understands the importance of investing in health to help pupils do their best, raise levels of achievement, improve standards and develop policies and practices to promote health.
Healthy Schools adopts a whole-school approach, involving the whole-school community, parents/carers, governors, staff and pupils in improving children’s health. The process is needs-led and can support the school development plan in striving for continual improvement.
We at Hunters Hall Primary school support the ideals and ambitions of the Healthy Schools’ Agenda. We strive to meet and exceed all expectations with regard to PSHE, Physical Activity, Emotional Health & Wellbeing and Healthy Eating. Our Healthy Schools’ Bronze Audit can be found here: 2022_LBBD_Bronze Hunters Hall Primary_for-renewal MK.docx
We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Silver Award.
Link to NELFT NHS Website
Mentally Healthy Schools Website
Our PSHE curriculum is based upon the following strands: Emotional health & wellbeing, Relationships & Living in the wider world (citizenship). We use 1Decision as the basis.
All children, at different times in their school journey at Hunters Hall, are taught discreet PSHE lessons which cover the following areas:
Module overview