Home Learning

In preparation for any remote learning that may be needed during the year. Click the following link: 

You can email your child’s teachers via the following email addresses:

Sharing information about our remote education offer

This optional template is designed to help school leaders share relevant information with pupils and parents or carers about how they will provide remote education. The information should be published on school websites by 25 January 2021 to support understanding of what pupils, parents and carers should expect during periods of school closure or pupil isolation relating to coronavirus (COVID-19).

Some of our pupils may need to be educated at home during this unprecedented time, you will be able to access a wealth of home learning tasks and ideas in order for your children to continue to thrive. We will update this site regularly with other top tips and advice to assist parents and carers with strategies to ensure the whole child is developed (social, moral, cultural, spiritual, emotional and physical) 

Click below for the Thrive Approach Home Packs – these are updated weekly.

Check out our Curriculum pages for further support and information. 

On our Learning Zone page, we have a multitude of other engaging websites. Link to Learning Zone

Please find below websites which are either free or offering their services for free during this unprecedented time.

username: hunters password: square

username: march20 password: home 


March 2020 – July 2020

Click the Year Group below to access educational and pastoral activities and tasks for that phase. (If using a mobile device, you may need to scroll along) 

Contact Us
Hunters Hall Primary School
Alibon Road
RM10 8DE,
t: 020 8270 4768